Music Ministry

Ambassador Music

Singing Together in Worship

When we gather each week, we want to sing songs that allow the good news of Jesus Christ to “dwell in us richly” (Colossians 3:16). At Ambassador, music and singing are not reserved for a few professionals while the rest of us watch – it’s for all of us! Our music team therefore lead us in singing both traditional hymns and modern songs with stirring melodies and biblical lyrics that help us remember and respond to who God is and what he has done.

We've put the songs we often sing together into a Spotify playlist below (you can find it on YouTube too). Why not have a listen at home or on your way to work so that you can sing with confidence and conviction when we gather together? It can also be a great way to help kids become familiar with the songs we sing, and an encouragement to help direct our thoughts during the week.

You can also find the songs we’re planning to sing this week on the Sundays page or on our newsletter, Ambassador Weekly.

What we sing