
Joyful Giving

A Response to God’s Grace

We serve a generous God who has lavished his grace upon us and who has provided all that we need. We give because He gave, and our giving is a way to express our thanksgiving to God for all that He has done. Indeed, our giving is a way to be a part of what He is doing in the world by contributing to the needs of the church and to gospel ministry across the region.

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.

2 Corinthians 8:8-9

Giving FAQs

All of our financial needs as a church are met by God through the generosity of his people. If you are interested in learning more about giving, we have some answers to common questions below. 

Here are ten principles drawn from 2 Corinthians 8-9, taken from “The Grace of Giving” by John Stott. These principles help us understand how we are to give.

  • Sacrificially (2 Corinthians 8:1-2) – despite our needs
  • Generously (8:3-7) – as much as we are able
  • Gratefully (8:8-9) – in response to Christ who although he was rich yet for our sakes became poor
  • Realistically (8:10-12) – according to our means
  • Equally (8:13-15) – giving out of our plenty to help supply what others need
  • Properly (8:16-24) – ensuring that our management of money is above reproach
  • Actually (9:1-5) – where what we actually give matches our promises
  • Freely (9:6-7) – not reluctantly but cheerfully
  • Confidently (9:8-11) – knowing that God will always supply our needs
  • Encouragingly (9:12-17) – so that others will praise God for what he is doing

Money given to Ambassador is used to further our goal of helping people to follow Jesus. This includes our ministry as a church as well as giving to missions both locally and overseas. A precise breakdown of how we spend the money can be obtained from the church treasurer.

Regular giving is an enormous help to us in our planning, and also saves effort for the giver. To set up a standing order please contact your bank and set up regular donations using the following information:

  • Bank: HSBC
  • Account Name: Ambassador International Church Limited
  • Account Number: 500-730700-838

Online: You can make an online donation or ATM transfer to the same account detailed above.

Cash: For cash donations, you can simply place the money in the offerings box on a Sunday.

Cheque: Cheques can be made payable to “Ambassador International Church Limited” and placed in the offerings box on a Sunday.  

If you would like a receipt, just fill out the relevant details on an offering envelope (and place your money within the envelope where relevant).

  • If you are a HK taxpayer, tax receipts can be obtained from the church treasurer at the end of the financial year.
  • If you are a UK taxpayer, or are based in the UK, you can give tax-efficiently via Stewardship.
  • If you are a US taxpayer based in Hong Kong, you can give tax-efficiently through Friends of Hong Kong. Simply write a cheque to “Friends of Hong Kong Charities Inc.” and place it in the offerings box. This will then be submitted to Friends of Hong Kong, who will bank the cheque, issue a receipt, and give the required amount to Ambassador (this process can take up to six weeks).

More Questions?

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Ken, our church treasurer.