Outline Introduction 1) The root of conflict (James 4:1-5) 2) The remedy to conflict (James 4:6-12 Conclusion
Outline God will bring true and lasting rest 1) A comprehensive rest (Esther 9:5-19) 2) A celebrated rest (Esther 9:20-32) 3) A coming rest (Esther 10:1-3)
Outline: God brings reversal for His people. 1) A complete reversal 2) A specific reversal 3) A future reversal
Outline: God overturns the enemy’s plan. 1) The enemy’s plan is fueled by pride (Esther 5:1-14; Esther 6:6-9) 2) The enemy’s plan is overturned by God (Esther 6:1-7:10)
Key verse: Esther 4:14 Outline: God provides someone to identify with his people in their need. (1) The need (Esther 4:1-8) (2) The decision (Esther 4:9-17)
Key verse: Esther 3:10 Outline: There is an enemy at work. (1) The rise of the enemy (Esther 3:1-7) (2) The demise of God's people (Esther 3:8-15)
Key verse: Esther 2:10 Outline: God is at work even through Exiles. (1) The challenge for exiles (Esther 2:1-14) (2) Encouragement for exiles (Esther 2:15-23)
Key verse: Esther 1:4 Outline: God is at work even when earthly powers seem supreme, and God seems to be absent. (1) A world that looks very impressive (Esther 1:1-9)…
Key verse: 1 Corinthians 15:58 Outline: Two ways to live Corinthian King of the World Christianity Paul's Scum of the World Christianity My body is my own, and has no…