How should we think about time? How do we navigate life as creatures of time? Where do we find the encouragement to give ourselves to the time and place that…
I need to have a better understanding of my heart. I need to have a deeper grasp of God's character.
Outline: 1. They revered God's word. 2. They responded as God's family. 3. They remembered God's grace. 4. They rejoiced in God's goodness. 5. They reflected God's character.
Jesus is the king who calls us to true worship. 1) Jesus arrives as king (v1-11) 2) Jesus. judges empty religion (v12-21) 3) Jesus urges true faith (v22-25)
Jesus shows us the way of discipleship I. Suffering (v32-34) II. Serving (v35-45) III. Sight (v46-52)