God’s Living Word
1,The Bible and inspiration- why should I read it?
By John Percival. 6th Mar 2016, 2 Tim 3v14- 4v5 (NIV). Notes
2, The Bible and authority- what its’ role in my life?
By John Percival,13th March 2016, 2Peter 1-21 ( NIV)Notes
3, The Bible and sufficiency-is it all we need?
By John Percival, 20th March 2016, Hebrew 1: 1-4, 4:6-13 ( NIV).Notes
4, The Bible and clarity- How can I know what it says?
By John Percival, 12th June 2016, Deuteronomy 6:1-9, 30:11-14. (NIV) Notes
5 , The Bible and necessity- Why do we need it?
By John Percival, 19th June 2016, Psalm 19. ( NIV) Notes.